Announcing Vaulty Free

We are excited to announce that starting today, we are offering Vaulty Free; a free subscription replacing Vaulty Guest, but with more features.

Upon receiving helpful feedback about Vaulty Guest functionality not quite matching our Vaulty Personal plan, we've taken steps to enhance and refine our users' experience. We sat down and identified the key features for anyone willing to try Vaulty, but was not ready to purchase Vaulty Personal yet. So, Vaulty Free was born.

With Vaulty Free, you can request secrets from anyone and access them in your Vaulty dashboard, on multiple devices. With Vaulty Free you can have up to 10 vaults that expire in 7 days each, in your account, while with Vaulty Personal you can have unlimited vaults with no expiration for just €39/year.

With Vaulty, we aim to provide the easiest way to share end-to-end encrypted secrets with anyone and we believe that with Vaulty Free, there is no excuse to send another password in email. You can now do it the right way, for free.

Sign up for Vaulty Free